Ivette A. Maoz, LMT

Services and Rates

Types of massages offered:

Swedish- Classic form of full body massage works with long, flowing strokes as well as specific deep tissue work (as needed) to relieve general tension and muscle aches, stimulate circulation, and achieve relaxation of body and a feeling of tranquility. Happy sigh! 

Therapeutic- Also known as myotherapy or medical massage, this is a firm, but controlled, deep therapy in which muscles, tendons and ligaments are manipulated to relax and lengthen tissue, and release long-held tension. Helps break up the painful cycle of pain-spasm-pain. That is, when a person tenses up from pain- causing more tension-more pain- more tension and so on. Therapeutic massage provides relief from headaches, neck, shoulder and back pain, scoliosis, and sciatic referral pain.

Trigger Point therapy- Trigger points are specific spots in muscles and tendons which cause pain, and which radiate pain to a larger area. They are thought by some to be small areas of spasm. Trigger points may be caused by sudden trauma, by repeated use of a particular muscle group, as in sitting at a desk, or may develop over time from chronic muscular tension in an area. Trigger point massage, used in conjunction with therapeutic massage by applying direct pressure on a trigger point, will often deactivate it, thus relieving the pain it causes. Trigger point massage is ALWAYS applied within the client's level of pain tolerance, to avoid excess discomfort. 

Prenatal- Prenatal massage treats the pressures and demands of pregnancy. Discomfort of the lower back, legs, feet, shoulder and hip discomfort, as well as hormonal and mood changes are all addressed,  helping the mother cope through a time of great physical and emotional changes. This GENTLE type of massage, using comforting rocking movements provides relaxation of muscles, peacefully stimulating blood circulation, and reducing stress while settling the mother's emotional state.  NOTE: Written permission by the mother's treating physician/ob-gyn is required at time of first session.




1 Hour ( 50 minutes) $60

1.5 Hours ( 80 minutes)  $90

Gift certificates available for purchase at Ryken Wellness Center.









Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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